2018 NFLTM Player Projections
Custom Cheat Sheets
Draft Advisory & Accounting
Mock Draft Simulator
Exclusive Fantasy Databases
Player Trend Charts
Start/Bench Analysis
Player News Tracker
Pick-up/Drop Alerts
Our fantasy player projections win championships
We are innovators in designing a winning draft day strategy
Our player projections are developed and maintained by a professional sports statistician
Our draft software is the most advanced fantasy tool available
We've aided thousands of fantasy champions since 1999
Over 84% of our subscribers are repeat customers
"Award Winning Fantistics .... Consider it fantasy's version of the theory of relativity."

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Fantistics Fantasy Football OSX Support

Software Installation

After download, Double click on the downloaded file and follow through the installer requests to install the software. After installation, you will find the program in your Applications section of your Mac Hard Drive.

Future updates to the software will be downloadable through the software

Quick Start Manual:

  1. Download/Install the software.
  2. Enter your League Setup in the Setup area.
  3. Choose the stat columns that you are interested in seeing by right mouse. clicking on the stat columns to select.
  4. Auction Leagues should use the $EAV column for custom player valuation.
  5. Sepentine Leagues should use VAM for the top 100 players and then EAV$ or FP after 100.
  6. Select players to rosters by right mouse clicking* on a players name.
  7. Print out your custom cheat sheet.

* If you use a MAC mouse or finger pad, pressing on the Command or CTRL key and then clicking (mouse or pad) is equivalent to a right mouse click on a Windows type mouse)


Software Table of Contents

Explains how to properly utilize the Fantasy Player Draft Software.


Contact Support

Please read the user guide above before sending support requests. Our email address is info [at] fantistics.com.



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The term NFL is a registered trademark of the National Football League and is not affiliated with Fantistics